Joining Sub-Platofrm


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How and when was the Joining Sub-Platform initiated?
The Joining Sub-Platform was set up in June 2012 and was initiated by the Manufuture Technology Platform
Manufuture is a European Commission (EC) initiative implemented to develop a strategy regarding research and innovation in manufacturing. The Joining sub-platform is supported and recognoised by the EC.

Why was the Joining Sub-Platform created?
The Joining Sub-Platform was created to enable likeminded companies to come together to define the medium to long-term research and technological needs of the Joining and associated Welding communities. Their aim is to contribute to developing Joining and associated Welding Methods by raising the awareness of their research priorities and subsequent exploitation potential, ultimately enhancing European competitiveness.

What is the mission of the Joining Sub-Platform?
To develop a competitive, innovative and sustainable competence for Joining and associated Welding Methods that utilises advanced techniques and products, to add value to manufacturing, generating economic growth and skilled jobs for the benefit of European stakeholders

The Sub-Platform want to evolve the perception of Joining to be recognised as a core element of competitive, innovative and sustainable production.

Does the Joining Sub-Platform receive funding?
The Joining Sub-Platform itself does not receive any direct funding. However, the aim is to raise the awareness of Joining and associated Welding methods as an key enabler to manufacturing. In doing so this will influence the direction of future research and its funding in these areas.

What are the benefits to becoming a member?
• Involvement in mapping the future research requirements for the areas of Joining and associated Welding methods.

• Recevie information on current EU funding topics and calls relating to Joining.

• Opportunities for collaboration

• Networking with like-minded organisations and EC initiatives

• Raising the awareness and importance of the Joining and associated Welding topic in order to enhance the competitiveness of Europe and its exploitation potential.

Who can participate?
Any company or person directly or indirectly involved in Joining and/or associated welding methods can particpate. Membership is free and its easy to sign up via the JOIN NOW link.

Who is involved in the management committee?
The management board consists of two chairs:

Secretariat Chairman: Robert Scudamore TWI Ltd
Industrial Chairman: Kristian Martinsen Raufoss

The management committee that supports the management board includes:
Administration: Amanda Allison TWI Ltd
Media Communications: Eurico G. Assunção EWF - European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting(Portugal)
Committee Members: Rockhard Zsehra DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren (Germany)
Jens Jerzembeck DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren (Germany)
Jean-Paul Bugaud EWA - European Welding Association (France)
Jan Skogsmo Swerea IVF AB (Sweden)
Jon Sandvik Sintef Raufoss Manufacturing AS (Norway)
Xabier Azpiroz Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica (Spain)
Anna Hambálková Industrial Institute of Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

What are the responsbilities of the management board and committee?
• Continually engage and represent of a wide range of stakeholders (e.g. large industries, SMEs, NGOs, financial institutions, civil society, Member States), directly or indirectly involved in the area of Joining and associated welding methods.

• Enage with similar and relevant European initiatives to develop networks and collaborations.

• Regularly meet with the Sub-Platform committee members to develop and maintain the spirit of the Joining Sub-Platform.

• Implement and continually review the Strategic Research direction that is positioned around common industry priorities necessary for the medium to long term research, development and demonstration needs for Joining and associated Welding.

How reguarly do the Joining Sub-Platform Committee Meet:
Meetings are held when necessary, but face-to-face meetings take place at least every 12 months to conduct a review of the sub-platform, monitor progress and determine subsequent actions. A representative from each Committee member company is present. Additional teleconference calls are arranged when necessary with appropriate committee members in order to maintain communication.

All committee meetings are recorded by the Committee Administrator or a nominated committee member. The Committee Administrator circulates the agenda, notice of meetings, and the minutes of each meeting of the Committee to all members. The Secretariat Chairman reports on the Committee’s activities.